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A stubborn and determinant leaders for transformation of society : Pokharel

English News

Ram Krishna Pokhrell

A stubborn and determinant leaders for transformation of society : Pokharel

Ram Krishna Pokharel
Successful leaders are stubborn, honest, ligeance and disciplined. Few lauded government leaders are known for generating ideas, setting goals and applying for the welfare of state and society.
Winston Churchill-  a great government leader of United Kingdom ( UK) served and lead his country during II World War of mid 1940s. Mr. Churchill of appreciated for his determination and stubbornness in ensuring global peace and stability during the time of international crises and wars.
An anti apartheid leader Mr. Nelson Mandela fought for dismantling legacy of White ruling structures and fostering a a racial reconciliation to build a nation for all- majorities blacks and minority whites. While Mandela was heading as a president of South Africa his wife Ms Winnie Mandela suspected for a bribery and corruption in a state affairs Mr. Nelson Mandela sacked her from her assigned position of cabinet , but it did not limited to sacking her from office but Nelson also divorced her and kept himself away from a corrupt and anti state element. Thus it proved how a honest, determined and ligeance leaders intended to serve a nation and society.
Anti colonialism and nationalist leader Mohanchandra Gandhi ( Mahatma Gandhi – a great soul) of India fought for independence of his country ruled by British regime from 1857 to 1947. Mr. Gandhi is known for his integrity, honesty and stubborn a legendary of 20th century for non violence movements to root out a ruthless ruler of British regime. He never ever wanted to hear corruption and bribes in state affairs from any of his fellow countrymen.
Modern Nepal an independent state is integrated in a state by Shah dynasty King Prithawi Bir BIKRAM Shah by conquering Malla Kingdom of Kathmandu, Patan and Bhadgaon in 1769 AD. King Prithawi Narayan was known for his strategy, accuracy and integrity which helped him in integrating small states of east, west, north south aside of three Malla kingdoms of valley. His quotes and sermons – in deplomatic relations, corruptions, justice and governance are still valid and effective in daily routine of state affairs.
Nepal thus from its establishment as an independent country initially ruled and managed by Shahs dynasty was mauled by the entrance of Rana dynasty established by Jang Bahadur Rana. Thus Nepal was overrun by Shahs dynasty as a king and Rana ranks themselves as dynastic prime minister ruling state and managing affairs- political, economical and social. Thus state Nepal was fallen in dual ruling mode from nineteen century. A total of 105 years Nepal ruled by Shahs dynasty heading state and Rana regime inherited from Jang Bahadur Rana. Resources and power was transferred from state treasury to Rana dynasty family to personalize the property of their families. Henceforth Nepal had no governance, no democratic system running the state affairs.
Towards the mid of twentieth century- 1940 onward several social and political activists joined hands to overthrow Rana regime from power. In due course of movement against Rana regime a brilliant, honest and ligeance leader Mr. B P Koirala took a lead by uniting Rana decedents and other political and social leaders to overthrow Rana from power but they did not take any steps toward Shahs dynasty. A dedicated and stubborn leader B  P Koirala successfully managed his political ambitions by bringing all decedents and anti Rana regime from runners in one umbrella. A joint efforts brought an end of Rana dynasty down in 1950. The purpose of movement was to establish a democratic government by forming a new constitution for ruling country.  A state run from representatives of people and managing state affairs means of democratic values and norms. After 1950s movement a demand was asserted by political leading Party Nepali Congress BP Koirala was leading it for Constitutional Assembly elections. But Shahs regime continually denied for the election of Constitutional Assembly. In Shahs regime there were many power oriented heirs who did not want to authorize a full fledged democratic process but wanted to heitch in accordance to their wishes.
A dedicated and stubborn leader B  P Koirala successfully

managed his political ambitions by bringing all

decedents  and anti Rana regime from

runners in one umbrella.

A joint efforts brought an end of Rana dynasty down in 1950.

Despite of several demonstrations by major political parties. than monarchy announced to carry parliamentary election by promulgating new constitution by their own authority. Political parties had no choice and declared to participate in election process. Election held in 1959 for parliament Nepali Congress party hold majority in the parliament and its eminent leader Mr. BP Koirala became the prime minister of Nepal under a constitutional monarchy. BP Koirala a determined, stubborn and nationalist leader developed several political agendas for the country and society. His notable contribution in promulgating ‘ Democratic Socialism’ for the bottom level people. Nepal ruled over the years by feudal dictators – representing Shahs and Rana and social structures were hijacked  by feudal class. Newly elected prime minister was pressure to build fair and stable government structures that could respond the urgent needs of the people.
Mr. BP Koirala had challenges in abolishing exploitation and restoring the national resources for the benefit of people. A honest image of government likely to restore as earliest possible a challenge to Prime Minister BP Koirala. Meanwhile he was in the position of Prime Minister his secretariat was composed of several experts and among them T P Koirala a younger brother of PM was also deployed in his secretariat. A day BP Koirala saw his brother TP Koirala wearing a new set of shoes. BP Koirala asked TP Koirala where from you guy got money to buy this shoes he very uncomfortably answered this shoes were bought by someone else. A stubborn leader BP Koirala immediately send him back to his home saying no one even my siblings and others who has attitude in bribery cannot stay in my office. This was the position and attitude of a imminent leader of Nepal who has been always remained in the heart and mind of the people of Nepal.
After a long fight and movement against authoritarian monarchy who were ruling the country from 1969s across 1990s was out stayed in the mid of 1990s by restoring parliamentary democracy by than ruling monarchy. An interim constitution and government was appointed to draft new constitution and carry parliamentary elections as earliest possible. Mr. Krishna Prasad Bhattarai lead interim government a Nepali Congress leader a stubborn and diplomatic politician without compromising values of democracy drafted a democratic constitution and hold general election. He was a honest leader with integrity in building a democratic institutions that would ensure the stability and prosperity of Nepali. A leader with integrity and honesty can deliver the basic needs of the people.
An out break of Nepal Communist Party ( Maoist Center demand for constitutional assembly election through an arm revolution against the state. A intense fight continued for over ten years. Thousands of armed and unarmed people died in clashes of rural and urban areas of the country. This movement begun in 1995 and ended in 2006 by joining hands with parliamentary parties lead by Nepali Congress leader Mr. GP Koirala and Nepal Communist Party ( Maoist Center) supreme leader Mr. PK Dahal ( Prachanda) inked in a 12 point agreement. This imminent move was possible only because of two political leaders came closer to end armed revolution against state machineries. A stubborn and determinant leaders if become responsible towards their objectives can achieve results in any kind of odds.
In 2015 a new democratic republic constitution promulgated under the leadership of Mr. Shushil  Koirala a honest, stubborn and ligeance Nepali Congress leader who was very sensitive and serious in his doings and choices of people deploying in any state institution. Mr. Shushil was a precedent in his simplicity and honesty.
After deployment of Democratic Republican constitution Nepali has numerous exceptions to be delivered by the state and its political leaders.
Now democratically elected leaders have challenges in transforming the state in a efficient and responsive manners in meeting the expectations of youth and olds. Current political leaders have to pave the way for transforming powers and leadership to the young generation who can plan for sustainable growth in meeting the demands of future generations. All parliamentary leaders who should be away from their siblings undue needs and expectations. Now there would be no excuse to the leaders in bribery, corruption in the name of policy. Everyone from the political parties and elites should pave a path for honesty, accountability, transparency and ligeance to the national interests.
Leaders of Nepali society should be committed to national unity, security and prosperity through sacrifices- greed and siblings claiming for bribes and corruption. Current messiness of Bhutani Refugees, Gold smuggling and Lalita Niwas land issues where most of the political leaders involvement is suspected should come up front of their doings and integrity to inform people where they stand now with these all allegations or not.